Hello…welcome to my website! I want to tell you a little bit about me. I have always been interested in the field of drawing and all types of art, but as life would have it, with family and working, it went by the wayside for a long time. Now that I am retired, I decided it was time to start again and pick up a brush!

“I decided it was time to start again and pick up a brush!”

My journey

I soon discovered that I was a tad rusty and not familiar with all the new products/tools available, so I went back to school on line and have never looked back! I love to do portraits of people, in oil as well as graphite and water color.

My experiences

I also love painting animals… maybe animals the most! I have wanted to see Africa since I was 7 and finally this year, we made it there! Trip of a lifetime to say the least. Painting some of Africa’s experiences has truly been a highlight for me.

One of my favorites

I also love painting peoples pets, it brings me great joy and sometime great sorrow, for the ones I paint that are no longer here. However, giving someone a hand painted treasure of their loved companion pet, is so rewarding.

Everyone that knows me, knows that I am truly an animal lover, so it makes sense that those little, and sometimes big, beloved pets are a big part of my art career. Capturing personalities on canvas also is something I strive to accomplish also. Not just the face, but the feeling behind the face.

Contact me for your custom art!
